Open Science Community Leiden supports ResearchEquals

Open Science Community Leiden (OSCL), with assistance from Leiden University Library, is now a supporting member of ResearchEquals, sustaining and governing the development of modular publishing. OSCL joins as the fourth institutional supporter, alongside Tilburg University, KU Leuven, and VU Amsterdam.

OSCL supports the direct learning of open science practices at Leiden University through making social connections, for instance with events like Open Science coffees, to make open science less intimidating and more fun. With the community knowledge and experience, OSCL gives input to policy, therewith shaping the future in accordance with the needs of those who put open science to practice.

"We are motivated to explore alternative  forms of publishing, and I’m looking forward to be able to facilitate this exploration together with ResearchEquals" says Anna van 't Veer. "The way ResearchEquals is governed is a great example of putting principles of transparency, open dialogue and equity into practice — I’m honoured to represent our community as a supporting member."

Supporting members help sustain operations and receive additional governance rights for ResearchEquals. These rights include the option to participate in quarterly assemblies, strategy and decision making processes, the power to block acquisitions, and to request more information around business operations. As a result, supporting members shape how ResearchEquals evolves. Institutions can become supporting members for a yearly contribution of at least 2500 euro’s.

ResearchEquals is an open source, open access publishing platform for research modules. ResearchEquals realized the first modular publishing platform (launched February 1st, 2022), which revolves around sharing each step of the research process, step by step, instead of only the final report.

“Open Science Community Leiden is vibrant and full of enthusiasm around open science. I am humbled by their support of ResearchEquals and I look forward to serving their needs” CEO Chris Hartgerink said. "We cannot build ResearchEquals without researchers, and it is fantastic to see researchers willing to be involved in shaping ResearchEquals as it becomes more established."

Liberate Science GmbH (est. 2019) cultivates alternative publishing formats that work for researchers everywhere. ResearchEquals is a Liberate Science GmbH project. For more information view the supporting member page or contact CEO Chris Hartgerink ([email protected]).

Open Science Community Leiden supports ResearchEquals
Liberate Science GmbH December 20, 2023
VU Amsterdam supports ResearchEquals